What’s the difference between a beginner, intermediate, and experienced lifter?
A beginner has very little to no experience using machines and free weights.
An intermediate lifter has some knowledge with resistance training. They have been to fitness classes where weights are used. They may have experience in a gym using machines and free weights. They have basic knowledge in terms of exercising with good form.
An advanced lifter has completed resistance programs. They are comfortable in the gym using all equipment. They understand how to execute excellent form with every exercise.
Do you work with guys?
I work with clients from all ages, genders, and physical abilities. I have trained both male and female performance based athletes and lifestyle clients. My personalized programs can be adjusted for any physical ability.
What’s the difference between using a training guide and personal training?
All personal training clients have access to chat with Hope 24/7. Virtual clients will meet with Hope for every session. Online clients will meet once a week and execute their workouts on their own. Training guide participates do not meet with Hope. They receive the training guide and full access to the app. They use both on their own at their own discretion.
Can I make monthly payments?
Yes! All of the programs can be offered on a monthly basis. Please contact Hope to set this up.
I’m still not sure which package is right for me. How do I choose?
There are a lot of options. It’s important to choose the right one for you! Please go to the contact us page and schedule a consultation. Hope will help you decide which option will work best for you!
If you have additional questions email us or send us a message!