Cardiorespiratory or Resistance Training First?

Is it better to train the muscular or respiratory system first? The answer is never simple when it comes to fitness. Let's break it down to the potential goals, physique and performance.

Physique Goals

This can be broken down into additional categories. If the goal is to gain muscle it is best to do resistance training before cardiorespiratory training. It is easier to train hard at the beginning of a session versus the end when the body is fatigued. Lift heavy to break the muscles and recover properly to rebuild stronger and bigger. If the goal is simply weight loss it doesn't really matter which you do first. However, it is recommended to prioritize resistance training over cardio training.  Cardio training is typically easier. Resistance training helps decrease the loss of muscle while dieting and can help give the "toned" look some people strive to achieve.

Performance Goals

Prioritize the type of training that will achieve the best performance. Let's say the goal is to run a marathon. Cardiorespiratory training should be performed prior to resistance training. Again, it is easier to perform better when the body is rested and has full energy stores. Train hard, recover well, and perform the best. If the goal is to compete in a powerlifting competition resistance training should be prioritized. Cardiorespiratory training should be completed at the end of the workout. All the energy should go to lifting well and lifting heavy.

Overall, it is best to prioritize the training that will get you to your goal. Every program, no matter what the goal is, should include cardiorespiratory training and resistance training. Too much of a good thing is a thing. . . Balance is what helps us live long happy and healthy lives. ❤️


Weight Maintenance

